Tisha B’Av

Tisha B'Av Schedule

Monday, August 12

7:45 PM Minha, Eicha Reading and Maariv in Ganzberg Sanctuary, and on Zoom

Service led by Rabbi Schatz and davening/kinnot led by Cantor Stone
Eicha readers: Daniella Murch, Sam Forman, Steve Spronz, Joel Stern and Rabbi Shawn Fields-Meyer

Tuesday, August 13

7:00 AM: Daily minyan with Eicha and Kinnot in Pilch Hall, and on Zoom

Torah/Haftarah leyning by Rick Muller
Eicha readers: Joel Grossman, Tove Sunshine, Deborah Musher, Judy Kerner, Jennifer Low
Kinnot led by Rabbi Elliot Dorff

1:30 PM: Early Minha in Pilch Hall

End of Tisha B’Av Program with Beth Am, B’nai David Judea, IKAR and Camp Ramah at the home of Nili and Ethan Isenberg and on Zoom

6:00 PM: Minh

Learning and Storytelling: 
“Finding Comfort Today”, featuring stories of hope and solace from community members who have visited Israel since October 7th

8:00 PM: Ma’ariv 

8:12 PM: End of Fast